干扰素及其它细胞因子激活的JAK-STAT信号通路广泛参与细胞的增殖、分化、凋亡以及免疫调节等许多重要的生物学过程,该通路主要由受体、酪氨酸激酶JAKs和转录激活因子STATs组成。STAT(signal transducer and activator of transcription)被称为“信号转导和转录激活因子”,在哺乳动物细胞中有STAT1、STAT2、STAT3 、STAT4、STAT5a、STAT5b和STAT6等7个家族成员。相对于其它几个研究比较深入的STATs家族成员而言, STAT2由于不能直接结合基因组DNA而对其研究相对较少。然而,因为STAT2又是组成干扰素刺激基因产物( interferon - stimulated gene,ISGs)的重要组分,由STAT1/STAT2/IRF9组成的ISGF3 介导了干扰素信号转导途径从而发挥抗病毒功能,因此,对STAT2的深入研究,有助于人类认知机体如何发挥抗病毒功能及发现新型抗病毒药物。
杨金波教授课题组在科研中注重国际合作,与国外著名科研院所建立了长期有效的科研合作关系。论文第一作者王宇昕博士是杨金波教授的博士生和共同指导的博士后,通讯作者为杨金波教授,共同通讯作者是中国海洋大学名誉教授、美国克利夫兰临床医学中心杰出科学家George R. Stark博士。该研究受美国NIH基金、科技部自然科学基金及中国海洋大学“筑峰”人才科研启动基金共同资助。
该成果2016年11月16号在线发表在EMBO J. 上:
We have discovered a novel phosphorylation of STAT2 on T387 that negatively regulates this response. In most untreated cell types, the majority of STAT2 is phosphorylated on T387 constitutively. In response to interferon-β, the T387A mutant of STAT2 is much more effective than wild-type STAT2 in mediating the expression of many interferon-stimulated genes, in protecting cells against virus infection, and in inhibiting cell growth. Interferon-β-treated cells expressing wild-type STAT2 contain much less ISGF3 capable of binding to an interferon-stimulated response element than do cells expressing T387A STAT2. T387 lies in a cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) consensus sequence, and CDK inhibitors decrease T387 phosphorylation. Using CDK inhibitors to reverse the constitutive inhibitory phosphorylation of T387 of U-STAT2 might enhance the efficacy of type I interferons in many different clinical settings.